Sunday, May 8, 2011

happy thoughts

Let's not talk about the blanket, shall we? Suffice it to say that as the third period of the hockey game began last night I noticed a problem several rows back. Ripping out lace is too risky for me so I'm laboriously tinking back. tink tink tink tink tink tink "Why is there all that loose yarn?" Gavin asks innocently.

Instead let's think happier thoughts. My second Herringbone Rib sock is well underway; with lots of knitting time on trains, subways and buses tomorrow, I should be close to the heel by end of day. Another happy thought? Finally some warm and sunny spring weather! I spent part of yesterday afternoon at the garden centre, and brought home several pots of ivy geraniums to transplant into my wall planters in a couple of weeks. There's still a risk of frost at night, so it's still too early to transplant. But soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must have been the night for frogging/tinking. I was up to the end border on my dishcloth when I noticed a mistake Waaaaaaaaaaaayyy Bacccccccckkkk THERE!

On the other hand ... your socks look great.