Sunday, January 3, 2010

first FO of 2010

When I boarded the Queen streetcar to meet a friend downtown, I figured I could finish the last chart for the top of the foot and maybe some of the even rounds before starting the toe decreases. And when I returned home by subway and bus, I thought I could finish the even rounds and get started on the toe decreases. But when the bus broke down and stranded us for half an hour in -15° weather, I had time enough to finish the toe, leaving the grafting and weaving in of ends until I got home. As a result these Tart Lime socks have become my first finished object of 2010.

My review of the pattern? The generous ribbing at the top of the leg helps the socks stay up. The main pattern is stretchy and scrunchy which makes for a good fit. And I love the way the ribbing flows into the pattern on the leg, and then the pattern flows back into ribbing across the top of the foot. The resulting socks are handsome and very comfortable to wear. So I'd recommend the pattern with one reservation - almost every round involves cabling back and front. It's not the best knit for trains, buses or other distracted knitting.


suse-the-slow-knitta said...

they look fab... and you could wear them on the cold bus!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Socks look great - I hope the bus still had some heat!