December 31, the last day of 2008 - a good day to reflect on the year past. I joined Ravelry in July, learned about Flickr and started blogging. Which is really when the focus on knitting began.
In late summer I knitted my first socks, then my second, third and fourth. As the year ends, there's another pair of socks still on my needles.
August brought the Ravelympics - who knew knitting could be a competitive sport? And who knew that I could start and finish my BYOB bag in about two weeks? September saw a visit to the East Coast including many LYS, a woollen mill and a spinning studio. I knitted through October, November and December, dividing my efforts between the Warm Hands Network and gifts for family and friends. Lots of fun, lots of finished projects.
As the year draws to a close there are still a couple of projects on my needles. A baby blanket for a good friend's first grandchild and a sweater for me. And lots of projects queued for 2009 - a kit to hand dye wool for socks, a drop spindle and some roving to spin my own fibre, and a stash filled with fabulous yarn. I hope everyone can look back at the past year with as much contentment and as many happy memories as I do. And look forward to the next year with as much eagerness and excitement. Happy New Year!