Friday, November 16, 2012

it's a start

Thanks to Jane Patrick's DVD "Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom" I've managed to warp the loom and get started with weaving. Probably I should have waited until my birthday - the loom is a birthday gift after all - but waiting is not my strong suit.

I don't have a warping peg yet but Gavin says he'll put one together for me from an old broomstick and wood scraps in the garage. That'll be a big help. This afternoon I set a wine bottle on the floor about five feet past the loom and used that. It wasn't entirely ideal. I pulled it over TWICE and had to untangle all the loops and repeg them. AND my resulting warp was somewhat uneven.

Right now I have one stick shuttle but that's not enough either ... especially not if I'm going to weave stripes and plaid. Hopefully there are some more wood scraps in the garage that can be made into additional shuttles.

Enough complaining ... it's amazing to me that after an hour or so of weaving I can already see dramatic improvement in my edges. Even Gavin was impressed. Fennel green weft next for eight picks. See? I'm getting the lingo down too!


Caffeine Girl said...

You are so versatile!

And what exactly was that wine glass for? ;)

Wanderingcatstudio said...

That looks pretty darn good to me!

Andria said...

I can't believe you just started weaving, it looks amazing. I can't imagine how good it will be when you are an old hand at doing it. Well done!

Ginx Craft said...

I love the colours you have used. I always find weaving interesting, and there never seems much around. Unless there is a whole weaving internet community that I've yet to find.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful color choices. Looks like you are having fun!

Unknown said...

Love it! I need one of those, but I keep putting off getting one because I know it would just suck time away from knitting! Love the color combo

Stefanie said...

Why wait 'til your official birth day? You get past all the learning how tos and get in the practice now so by your la hanau, you'll be weavin' and singin' in no time flat! I love the compact size. The piece you're working on is awesome!