Friday, December 16, 2011

Finished Object Friday

sorry for the cellphone pic!

It's late in the day on Friday, early evening really, but this pair of fingerless mitts are done and I just had to trumpet the news! I'm at work so a coworker kindly agreed to take a photo with his cellphone to help me out, so please accept my apologies for the photo. It's the best I can do under the circumstances.

This pattern is fantastic! I read the notes of other Ravelers and took some of their modification suggestions - lengthening the cuff, lengthening the hand, lengthening the thumb and reversing the cables on the left mitt. But they fit beautifully and they feel lovely on. The thumb as written works really well and ties in with the pattern nicely.

And look! They're actually done a whole day before the deadline! Isn't that something! I'm usually the one finishing them in the car and stopping at a donut shop to wrap them, or worse, wrapping them unfinished. Yippee! They're done!

Hopefully everyone else is having just as successful a day! Check out the parade of finishes at Tami's Amis. They're worth a look!


One pair of Hands said...

The photo is OK at this end. The mitts look good. Lucky somebody.

Erin Kate said...

Wow! They look awesome!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I'm sure the giftee with just love them

Gracey is not my name.... said...

Oh those are lovely! I have a thing for fingerless gloves, but have only crocheted them so far...

Sandy said...

They look fantastic, but sounds like too many adjustments for my skill levels. Nice of your co worker to snap the photo for you, turned out just fine.

Unknown said...

They are lovely. I am sure they will be greatly appreciated. And, if not, take them back!

autumngeisha said...

The mitts look great! Wonderful color and cables. And good job getting them done ahead of schedule.

MagicalJane said...

Very nice! I like how the cabling seems to draw them in nicely around your wrists.

Alittlebitsheepish said...

They look super, congratulations on the early finish :)

Anonymous said...

This mitts are just lovely!