Tonight I'm going to a SnB ... my very first SnB. And I'm not sure what to expect. It all started yesterday, when I decided to join more Ravelry groups so that I could lurk in more forum threads. Searching the groups by location I discovered Creative Yarns. Not far from my house. Not far off my usual drive home from work. And they have a SnB on Thursday evenings. With a little more lurking in the conversational threads, I decided to wade in. I joined online and posted in the welcome thread to ask a few questions.
First: Are there rules or customs about the project you bring? That is, should the yarn be bought at the hosting store? Some store owners won't allowing people to attend knit nights with outside yarn, but not Creative Yarns. Although, along the lines of dancing with the one that brought you, I think it'd be best to buy something to work on. Don't want to put a foot wrong on my first visit! Also, I'm knitting my Tidal Waves socks with acrylic yarn - don't want to get on the wrong side of any yarn snobs, at least, not right away.
Second: Is the store open during the SnB? Can I walk around, look at and buy things? Absolutely - in fact, I'm pretty sure buying yarn is encouraged! Which is great - looking at yarn is one of my favourite things to do. Tonight I'll look for some sock yarn for Sprockets Socks - this'll be my SnB project.
Third: Would it be disruptive if I arrive late? My mom attended a meeting which was very organized with an agenda and guest speakers, so lateness was frowned on. But I work afternoons - I can't predict my workflow or what time I can leave work, nor can I predict what the traffic will be like when I leave. Imagine arriving late and having the room fall silent, every one turning to stare! At Creative Yarns, everything sounds more informal - come and go as you please, I'm told.
Nothing but green lights - everyone online seems very friendly! Even got a welcoming pm this morning from the store owner. I'll let you know how it went tomorrow.
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