COOKIE A SOCK CLUB: June #1 • June #2 • August #1 • August #2 • October #1 • October #2 • December #1 • December #2
VANILLA SOCKS FOR CHARITY: July • August • September • October • November • December • January • February • March • April • May • June

Yeah, I'm late with this post. Feels like I've been running a bit late for the last couple of weeks. But I'm happy to report that things are getting done and by next week I expect to be mostly caught up. At least that's the plan for now!
I've finished the second pattern for the Cookie A Sock Club October shipment - Love Me Tender. It's a pretty typical cuff down cabled sock with "lace" columns tucked between the cables. The cable is worked across 9 sts, accomplished by cabling six in one round, and then cabling another six a couple of rounds later. It's a pretty dramatic cable, that's for sure! As for the lace pattern, I worked the YOs through the back loop to close up the holes, so for me these lace columns are more a pattern of travelling stitches.
It's a nice enough pattern, although I don't much like the stockinette bands at the beginning and end of the instep stitches. And it was a fairly tedious knit. Still, it's a very nice pair of finished socks... although I wouldn't voluntarily shell out USD $6.50 for the pattern. Never mind my whining; just one more shipment and two patterns left in the Club year.
The yarn is Twisted by Studio June and it's fabulous to work with. The colour way is one of my faves - Turquoise - and the subtle tonal variegation plays very nicely with the pattern. If you're looking for some stash enhancement, check out the Black Friday Sale at Studio June Yarns ... 40% with coupon code BLACKFRIDAY40. If your willpower is at low ebb, then DON'T LOOK!!!!
The plan for the rest of this week is to finish Gavin's socks - pictures in the next post - and make some progress on Clandestine sock two. We had snow on the weekend and I woke to icy roads and sidewalks this morning so it's been an abrupt shift from our week in Florida. Time to plan the next getaway!!