Thursday, March 11, 2010

turning a corner

Things have been on the quiet side here, in part because I've been feeling under the weather. A slight fever and an outbreak of cold sores had me feeling miserable until I decided to do something about them. Did you know that aspirins and glass after glass of cold white milk seem to help? Aspirins to bring the fever down, of course. And my Google results suggested that Lysine - available in white milk amongst other things - has an antiviral effect, which can help stop an outbreak and speed healing. Four glasses yesterday, two so far today and it seems to be working. Feels like I've turned a corner.

Things have also been on the green side here. Were you to scan back through my blog entries of the last few weeks you'd see green, green, blue-green and more green. Admittedly, green is my favourite colour, but it's feeling like too much of a good thing. I'm greened out. How serendipitous that a package of brightly coloured hand painted yarn arrived from Wandering Cat Yarns a couple of days ago! Feels like there's a big colour shift right around the corner as well.


Mark said...

It's green here in New Brunswick too but only because we're on a stretch of sunny, warm days that's melting all the snow. The knitting looks great. Here's hoping you're feeling better soon.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Nothing wrong with green (it's my fav volour too) but other colours are good. I'm partial to reds and pinks - though I just bought a sweaters worth of baby yellow yarn (and not for a baby). Other than the green addiction, I gravitate towards warm colours.

MagicalJane said...

hope the trend continues and you got all better really soon

suse-the-slow-knitta said...

milk? really? isn't that wonderful!
get well soon