Thursday, December 11, 2008

mmmm grey

You guessed it ... more pictures of sheep's grey knitting. And if you let me, I'll post more and more pictures every day. Because as boring as it may look to you, I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. This unpretentious wool shows the patterned stitchwork beautifully. There's a comforting warmth in the subtle blending of greys and browns within the yarn strand itself. I'm about halfway up the second sleeve - can't wait to get it done and wear it everyday, everywhere, morning, noon and night, until it falls off me.

And it's not just the visual effect of the yarn. I love the idea that the yarn is unbleached and undyed - just the unadulterated the colour from the sheep. Even the smell of the wool is closer to nature in a good way.... woolly, not yucky. The whole project feels simple, uncomplicated and comfortable - like being at the cottage, padding around in barefeet.

But just as Jane feared - I'm now examining colourful patterns visualizing them in sheep's grey. Mmmmm ... sheep's grey. My new fave.

1 comment:

MagicalJane said...

It IS a lovely shade of grey. When are we getting together? I made mushroom tarts.