If Gavin was the knitter, things would be very different.
He'd never run short of yarn for a long tail cast on, he tells me. Rather, he'd unwind miles and miles of yarn to make sure, and then just throw away the excess.
He wouldn't waste a minute worrying about whether something was coming out too big or too small. And he'd never rip out and reknit on smaller or larger needles. Instead, he'd find someone bigger or smaller to give the finished knit item to.
There wouldn't be much sock knitting going on. Gavin's not a fan of socks, preferring to pad around barefoot or in flipflops. Besides, do you know that you can buy socks much cheaper than you can make them?!
If there was much knitting going on at all, it'd be mostly in shades of grey, black and blue.
And if he suddenly realized - like I did last night - that the reindeer colourwork chart should have been knit upside down for a top down bag he wouldn't rip it out and start again. Oh no, he'd just sew up the original opening and create a new opening on what should have been the bottom.
LOL MEN! They do it all so different. Sometimes I wonder if they are even the same species as us.
He sounds like a great guy, but a terrible knitter!! LOL. Been there, done that, maybe should have written the book?
Ooh, poor you! I would also consider a "creative" solution to be honest.. But I'd probably start ripping just like you...
Loved your post! My husband pays just enough attention to my knitting now that he's picked up some of the lingo! One day I was doing some colorwork and he says, "Oh, doing some Intarsia?" What would we do without them!
Yep, that's a bloke for you. And the infuriating thing is - it would all probably work for him because nobody would know what he had intended to do in the first place. Lol.
I'm with Gavin - except for the 'colour thing'. The bags are exquisite.
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