Monday, August 29, 2011

the new moon in Virgo

With the new moon in Virgo it's time for a TUSAL update. In the past month I've taken more out of my jar than I've put in. When I packed up my blankets and socks for the Warm Hands Network, I salvaged several lengths of scrap yarn to attach the yarn bands and gift labels to the knitted items. There's a bit of creamy white from Christmas bags and a small amount of red mohair from CeCe but that's about it.

Besides a TUSAL update, what does the new moon mean to knitters? Rebecca Brents offers these insights:

Virgos offer service to others as their way of making their lives count for something. They believe deeply in the need to contribute their energy to the benefit of the greater social order, and they are quite willing to accomplish this by performing the routine, mundane, everyday chores and fulfilling the ordinary responsibilities that keep life running smoothly ... while asking nothing but a little quiet appreciation in return, a kind word of thanks, or just the simple knowledge that they have helped make someone else's path a bit easier.

I read that as Charity Knitting and there's lots of that on my schedule. First priority for September is to finish and send my hats for Innocent's Big Knit. And then - when my other WIPs are caught up - it may be time to start a new blanket for the Warm Hands Network. I've got a bag of Mission Falls in a cranberry red which might knit up beautifully with this pattern.


Unknown said...

Wow! You are a giver. Kudos to your plans for charity knitting. I wish I did more, but take heart in the fact I do give away more of my knitting than I keep.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

That is a lovely baby blanket - definitely on the "consider" list for my upcoming giftees.