When I was last at the community centre, the ladies pressed upon me a bag of yarn with a mostly completed scarf. Poor scarf, I imagine the maker abandoned it because it was balled up and curling on itself. Nope, not worth finishing. The yarn, Sortilège by Lane Monterosa of Italy, is 80% wool + 15% mohair + 5% acrylic. Not something they'd use in the baby clothes and blankets that they prefer to knit and crochet. Could I make something of it, they asked?
The colour, a very bright warm red, is my sister's favourite. And, if I'm not mistaken, there's about 1100 meters of it. Should be enough to make a cropped cardi like CeCe, right? The only thing that concerns me is the fuzziness of the mohair - how will that work with the lace pattern? The best way to find the answer to that is to try it. I'll let you know how it goes.
It certainly is a pretty red. Hope it works for the cardi.
Great colour - mohair usually works very well with lace.
I will keep my fingers crossed that it works!
That is beautiful yarn! Cece looks like a perfect pattern for it. Did you know that Rev knits is finishing her Cece?
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