Good morning. It's an eye-opener isn't it? A quiet Sunday home alone afforded me an opportunity to spend the whole day quilting and I took full advantage. Ages ago I went through my fabric stash pulling out all the batik scraps and cut them down to 6" x 2" strips with a plan to sew them up into a braid quilt. I've finally put that plan into action.
The quilt face will be assembled from seven "braided" strips. So far I've pieced together three, and if there's fabric left when I've completed seven, I'm going to make them all a bit longer. Once the main part of the face is assembled I'll add a border (or two) and then decide on a backing fabric. But should I butt the braids? Or separate them with a stripe of border material?
This quilt pattern is so easy and goes together so quickly - stitch, iron, stitch, iron, stitch, iron, then stand back to admire. But now I need to get this finished. Why the rush? The kitchen counter is half covered in strips sorted into piles by fabric pattern. The ironing board is blocking access to the fridge and stove. The dining room table has been repurposed as a sewing table. And the entire process is scattering lint and tiny threads everywhere. That can only be tolerated for so long.
I love the colours! It's going to be fabulous. I can't wait to see the finished product.
I say separate with sashing. The colors are gorgeous! Can't wait to see it done.
Lovely. This is making me want to finish the two quilts I have on the go... maybe this weekend. If I can find my iron....
Love the mix of colours
What a beautiful riot of color! I think I'd go without sashing.
Wow! You got through that quickly and isn't it pretty? I think I prefer the butt option.
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