With about 12 hours left in 2010, I'm resolved to complete this second sock before we ring in the New Year. And with the heel turn completed and the gusset decreases underway, it should be do-able. No parties planned for us tonight - we spend New Year's Eve on the sofa watching celebrations around the world on TV. Chances are we'll be asleep well before the clock strikes midnight.
Tomorrow we host our annual New Year's Day open house. In past years I've gone a bit overboard, but this year it'll be more subdued. I'll wash and chop for fruit trays, but the prepared veggie and dip trays at the supermarket looked good to me. I've ordered dozens of samosas; they'll be ready for pick up later this aft. Add chips, cheese and crackers, coldcuts, olives, and bowls of nuts and we're ready for a party. Mmmmm, samosas! I hope there are some leftover for lunches next week!
Since clicking on your blog by accident I find myself returning often. Thank you for the frequent updates!
Best of Heath and Happiness in 2011!
Happy New Year --- mmmmmmmmm...fruit tray sound delicious!!!
Hope your open house is balls of fun!
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