Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

This morning people lined up for door crasher sales at electronics stores starting at 1am. I'd guess the temperature was about -8° with a windchill of about -20°; at least that's what the temperature was at 7 this morning. When the doors opened assembled crowds stampeded. I can't imagine wanting a big TV badly enough to endure that!

My Boxing Day plan involves watching The Tudors season four on DVD and knitting. A little more civilized, don't you think? I've finally finished the second Railwayish sock, leaving me one pair to knit for December 29th. I have my doubts about how possible that is, but I'm giving it a go.

Santa was very good to me - four skeins of yarn under the tree with my name on them! Two different colourways of Schoppel Wolle lace yarn, a skein of Punta Yarn Merisock and a skein of Alpaca Sox. Searching the Ravelry database for patterns for all this yarn is going to be great fun! The forecast for the New Year: lots of knitting.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a pretty good forecast. Happy Boxing Day.

One pair of Hands said...

A guilt free addition to your stash. I do like getting wool for a present.
Happy New Year.