As I've mentioned before, this is the year in which I'm determined to knit through the yarn in my stash. All the DK yarn is knit - the last scraps were knit up into little hats for a fundraising drive in Ireland. All the full skeins of sock yarn are matched up to patterns for Christmas knitting. I've got a few ideas for the worsted yarn - sweaters, mittens and blankets. But two boxes of natural colour dishcloth cotton had me stumped. That'd be a lot of dishcloths!
A few weeks ago at a friend's cottage I noticed that she had almost a dozen tea towels folded to line her open shelves in the kitchen. And it dawned on me - dishcloth cotton might be a good choice for knit shelf liners! With its seed stitch borders and lace pattern inset, Montague looked like the perfect pattern choice. I ordered the pattern, waited a week or two for the pattern book to arrive by post, and then cast on. The first bit of good news is that I've been able to achieve exactly the size needed. The second bit of good news is that after a couple of days of knitting I'm about a quarter of the way through the first shelf-liner. Considering there are three shelves to line, I'm very relieved that it's knitting up quickly.