Normally I head outside for natural light for my blog photos, but this morning's heavy rains and thunderstorms are keeping me inside at my kitchen counter. Thunder and lightning started at 5:30am, and now at 8:00am, we're finally seeing the end of the storms on the radar. Nobody's complaining though; we need the rain badly.
Late last week a yarn-filled package of goodness arrived by mail from Kirsten; a prize to celebrate her blogversary! I'm not sure how I'll put these two skeins of Knitting Notions Laceweight yarn to use but I have some ideas about crocheting table runners. The colours in the photo didn't turn out too badly - the pumpkin spice colour is my fave, but I also kind of like the two of them together. Thanks Kristen!
Yesterday my sister surprised me with a present for no reason, Nicky Epstein's "Knitting in Tuscany". My sister doesn't knit - she's a lefty and was surrounded by right-handed knitters growing up - but she likes to look at knitting patterns. The book is gorgeous; if I win the lottery there'll definitely be a trip to Tuscany to see it all first hand. I'm looking at the Bella Bride's Dress wondering if I could crochet it as a long top with cranberry red cotton from my stash. It should be possible if I look at the short dresses some Ravelers have made. Not that I need another project in my queue.
That dress would really be something!
Wow - I can't imagine making a whole dress!
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