Although her birthday is really tomorrow, we're celebrating today. My sister turns 50! It must be true that 50 is the new 40, because my sister is a woman in her prime - a challenging career, busy home life and busy social life. The celebration? Dinner at the restaurant where she first introduced us to the man she would marry a couple years later. Coincidentally, my favourite restaurant - super nachos and pitchers of Sangria.
No knitting photos today. Mostly because the photos I took this morning look very much like yesterday's photo. Work progresses on my Noro baby blanket - it's nearly done. The Stanley Cup Playoffs started last night, and from the ceremonial puck drop to the final buzzer in the third period I knit. Quietly urging Crosby and Malkin to find the net and silence the Detroit fans. But Detroit dominated last night, much to Gavin's delight. Oh well, it's best of seven, maybe they can even it up in tonight's game!
Also, I packed up and mailed off my little hats yesterday to Andrew for his charity project. And then posted to his Mom's Ravelry forum where she's tracking hat totals. With the six hats I mailed, his total stands at 420 hats and counting. Great, huh?