KNIT. SOCK. LOVE. : BFF • Clandestine • Cusp • German Stockings • Gothic Spire • Hedera • In and Out • Lissajous • Marilinda • Mona • Monkey • Pointelle • Rhombus • Sake • Stalagmite • Stricken • Thelonious • Twisted Flower • Wedge
COOKIE A SOCK CLUB: June #1 • June #2 • August #1 • August #2 • October #1 • October #2 • December #1 • December #2
VANILLA SOCKS FOR CHARITY: July • August • September • October • November • December • January • February • March • April • May • June
FINALLY! Finally, I got back to working on my Clandestine socks! I put these aside at the beginning of November with sock one done and sock two halfway down the leg.
And then never got back to them...

My first Thelonius sock got no love last week. Once I finish the aforementioned Clandestine socks I plan to knit monogamously on these, if only to get them off the needles and move on. The yarn base has disappointed (it's very scratchy), the gradient has disappointed (it's very subtle and about to become very abrupt) and the pattern isn't doing much for me either. But I'd like to finish them so I can move on to other things.
Early last week I received an email notification from the public library indicating that my hold on the eBook Op-Art Socks by Stephanie van der Linden had become available. My thought was to be thrifty and borrow the book from the library for the 2 or 3 patterns I wanted to knit. But no sooner did I start flipping pages on my iPad when I realized that the eBook format wasn't ideal in this instance. I found it annoying to flip back and forth between written instructions and charts in an eBook and it was a challenge to get the pages sized on the iPad to get the charts and legends all on one page. So, armed with the Chapters Gift Card I got for Christmas from my brother Mark, I went out and bought the book (or should I say, the "book-book"?). Much better! Now I can hardly wait to cast on Ludwig just as soon as I get those other socks off the needles.
Also, thanks for all the sweet comments about the peppermint twist stitch markers. They're awesome aren't they? Those fabulous stitch markers were a gift from Frieda at RestlessNeedles and I've been the envy of everyone in my knitting group every since.