SOCKTOPUS: Totally Vanilla • Kandahar • V Junkie • Kwalia • Farmer McGregor • Shur'tugal • 2luvcrew • Vorticity • Rumpled! • Crowley • Om Shanti • Mince Pie Mayhem • Hundred Acre Wood • De Stijl • Fiori di Zucca • Caretta Caretta • Spring Shoots
Wrapping up Year 2: I started out intending to knit every pattern from the book Folk Knitting In Estonia. Turns out I don't enjoy Estonian folk knitting that much. I don't have need of any more pairs of mittens, and if I ever knit another pair of full-fingered gloves again, it'll be too soon. After knitting 7/27 patterns I put the book aside.
In December I switched my project book to Knitting Vintage Socks and things were back on track. To this point I've knit 11/20 patterns in the book, with a twelfth pattern currently on needles awaiting more yarn. Once they're done, I'll be putting this book aside as well. I simply am not interested in the remaining eight patterns - bed socks, knee high cuffed men's socks, baby bootikins or even the useful stockings which Nancy Bush admits "suits those who do reenactments or belong to the Society for Creative Anachronism". Seriously?!

The Year of Projects is organized through a Ravelry Group called "Come Blog-a-long" ... we blog our way through a Year of Projects. Our project year runs from July 2013 to the end of June 2014. Members construct a list of projects they want to complete through the year, and post their progress on Sundays. Although I choose a book (or two) each year, others start out with patterns in their queues, or lists for Christmas and birthday gifts, or whatsoever. You're welcome to join us!