Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a plan for hats

Buried in the bag of Lopi that was given to me, were a half dozen balls of Paton's Norspun - "a mostly acrylic Lopi wannabe", a fellow Raveler describes it. Last night I rewound and washed all of that. I've been thinking, thinking and thinking what I should do with it. Because of the high acrylic content, it's no good for the Warm Hands Network. What to do?!

Hey, wait a minute! Wasn't I lamenting last year that I should be doing more for Street Knit? Aren't there about a hundred patterns for hats and mitts in my queue? And just yesterday, didn't I express an urge to knit something small, quick and fun? Hats; that what I'll do!


Delusional Knitter said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Have you been on the Warmhands Ravelry group lately? You can use the acrylic to knit washable blankets for Rankin Inlet. Jeannine

WildflowerWool said...

That yarn will make great hats and the charity will be so happy to have them.