- Petty Harbour Socks - complete
- Vanilla is the New Black Socks - complete
- There & Back Again Socks - complete
- Crosshaven Socks - complete
- Somewhere Socks - complete
- Tuxie Love - complete
- Brigit Socks - complete
- Mad Mix Socks - 30%, using various stash yarn scraps
- Gschnitztal Socks - 20% done
- Alfrick Socks - using Sandnes Garn Sisu in grey and white
- Twisted Flower Socks - using Hikoo CoBaSi yarn in Egyptian Blue
- Feny Socks - using Lang Jawoll Superwash in turquoise and chocolate
- Double Heelix Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Yaacov Socks - using Lang Jawoll Magic Dégradé
- Crenate Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Somewhere Socks - using various shades of blue scraps
- Merripog Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Rrribb-it! Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Glass Slippers Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Ringwood Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Leyburn Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Hearty Man Plaid Socks - using stash yarn TBD
- Mojo Socks - using stash yarn TBD

I did modify the pattern somewhat - as I mentioned in an earlier post - to eliminate puffiness at transitions from cabled patterns to stockinette, and, to centre the pattern on the leg.

Back to the yarn... I only wish I had another half skein. To my way of thinking both the leg and the foot of this sock could use another repeat. Unfortunately, with my giant feet in mind, there's never enough yarn for that. I read somewhere that socks look best proportioned when the leg is at least as long as the foot, and I've found that to be true. For this sock I lengthened the foot by adding 12 rib rounds (similar to the cuff) as I didn't have the yarn for another full repeat. I'm happy enough with the socks but they're a bit small for me. They'll have to go on the gift pile.

Er, did I say undivided attention? Well, that's not really true. I celebrated a birthday a couple of days ago and unwrapped some lovely yarns. From my brother I received some Ploome Fiber Arts DK Merino Single yarn. Mark met the yarnie, Anna Matthis, at the Boyce Christmas market in Fredericton and picked out a couple of lovely skeins for me. I couldn't help but wind one skein and cast on a hat just to see how it would knit up! The yarn colourway is quite busy so I decided on Violet Waffles hat - a simple, straight forward hat. At the moment I'm about an inch away from starting crown decreases. If I'm not mistaken I'm going to have enough left for a matching scarf or cowl. Pretty, huh? It's a gorgeous base too - really nice hand with lots of sheep-y lanolin - an absolute pleasure to knit. Right now I'm picturing it with one of those big, fluffy faux rabbit fur pompoms; once it's done I'll see what I think on my next visit to Lens Mill Store.
Not shown is another skein of birthday yarn: Tanis Fiber Arts Purple Label Cashmere Sock yarn in a bright and happy colourway called "Papaya". Mmmmm, Tanis + Cashmere!!!!! I'm spoiled and I know it!
On Ravelry I'm part of a "Canada Let's Swap" group. I don't participate in the swaps but I have signed up for a KAL: 2018 Paper bag Project Year Long KAL/CAL. You take 12 month-long type projects you’ve been meaning to knit/crochet, and put each in a bag you can’t see through. Each month, you pick a bag and get knitting (or crocheting)! My 12 projects are bagged - they'll all be socks and they're mostly from my YoP list above. So we'll see how that goes, but I think it'll be fun. If this sounds interesting to you, and if you're a Canadian 18 years or older, well then you're welcome to join us.
That's it for me for today. Have a great New Year everyone. Gavin and I will be toasting the new year at about 9:30pm and calling it an early night shortly thereafter. Gone are the days of staying up all hours!