COOKIE A SOCK CLUB: June #1 • June #2 • August #1 • August #2 • October #1 • October #2 • December #1 • December #2
VANILLA SOCKS FOR CHARITY: July • August • September • October • November • December • January • February • March • April • May • June

The pattern photos in the book didn't do anything for me - the samples are knit in such dark coloured yarn that the pattern all but disappears. Flipping through project pages on Ravelry suggested to me that the socks were best knit in a solid or semi-solid light coloured yarn. I had worried that this Smith and Ewe fingering might be too busy, but once knit it looks fine.
Once again the legs are a bit shorter than I'd like, but this time I did remember to lengthen the cuff. Going forward I'm really going to have to give some thought to adding a vertical repeat to the legs of Cookie A patterns to make the final sock proportions more to my liking. Maybe the designer's feet are tiny compared to mine and the proportions suit her rather than me?
One detail that I really like is the way the heel pattern starts at the center back of the leg and then spreads out and down the heel. No abrupt end to the leg pattern at the start of a heel flap. Nice!
So what's next? I was trying to decide when I saw these Clandestine socks amongst the project pages on Ravelry. Wow, look how nicely the variegation distributes itself in the shell patterns of this pattern. It looks very fluid and interesting! And don't I just happen to have some variegated yarn caked up and ready to knit?! So Clandestine jumped the queue and hit the needles. I'm almost twice as far along as the photo shows and thoroughly enjoying it. Can't wait to show you more of them next week!!