KNIT. SOCK. LOVE. : BFF • Clandestine • Cusp • German Stockings • Gothic Spire • Hedera • In and Out • Lissajous • Marilinda • Mona • Monkey • Pointelle • Rhombus • Sake • Stalagmite • Stricken • Thelonious • Twisted Flower • Wedge
It's crazy how much I love my
Wedge socks! Admittedly it
was the pattern I first favourited out of the entire book, but really it's nothing more than a pair of vanilla socks with a bunch of garter stitch short rows wedges. And I'm not normally that keen on the homespun simplicity of garter stitch. Can't explain it!

I suppose how perfectly the variegated print of the yarn plays with the pattern might have a lot to do with it. I've had my troubles with variegated yarn, and mostly avoid it as being more trouble than it's worth, but this pattern really comes to life with the variegation. Besides, they are lime green, kelly green, forest green and a lot of other fabulous greens.
Did I mention that green is my favourite colour?
Caffeine Girl Creates mentioned that she struggled to translate the appearance of the yarn in the skein or ball to how it knits up in her post
here and I can totally relate. That's where I find Ravelry such a help. Before casting on Wedge, I skimmed through the project photos to determine what yarn choice might work best. And I scanned the project photos for this yarn to get a sense of what I might expect. The homework paid off huge in this instance. The main pattern photo is a solid coloured yarn - and I probably would have played it safe with something similar before seeing all the glorious pairs of variegated Wedge socks!
Back to the pattern: it's super simple. Knit these and you'll be able to W&T in your sleep. And thanks to the short rows there's very little purling. No need to pick up those wraps either as the garter stitch and the busy yarn fill in any little holes. I knit the medium size throughout, although I snuck down a needle size after completing the heels to snug up the foot. They fit perfectly!
I've already cast on
Hedera Socks and will have something to show you on that next week. Truth be told I started a pair of Hedera socks a few years ago but ripped them out because I didn't like how holey/lacy they were knitting up. Once again, Ravelry to the rescue! Just the other day I was breezing through the forums when I saw an idea that might just do the trick for me. But more on that next week.
It's finally FINALLY spring! I rolled down the car windows. I turned off the furnace and opened the doors to let in some fresh air. And now I'm headed outside to tidy the garden. Have a great day!