First let me apologize to everyone in the Year of Projects group. My last week got completely away from me and I didn't get around to read and comment on everyone else's posts. I'm going to try to catch up in the next few days, but in the meantime thank you for your patience!
That second "Fascine Braid Sock" was on and off the needles in just about no time at all. The most time consuming part was finding decent light to take a photo. And "decent" was about all I managed - the finished photo isn't great but it was the best I could manage after several attempts.
I won't gush too much more over the pattern except to say once again how easy it is and how charming the result is! Highly recommended (although I did make mods as mentioned on my project page).
As well I had a rethink about the March KAL for the SolidSocks group on Ravelry. The theme is "blue" and although I do have a skein of blue in my stash, I suddenly remembered that CoBaSi sock yarn. It started out knit into Darjeeling socks in August of 2015 for the Cookie A Sock Club. I hated those socks so I frogged them and cast on Twisted Flower. That pattern was much more promising, but I dropped a stitch, made a botched attempt to tink back and then set the whole mess aside in disgust. Hmmmm ... maybe now's the time to frog it all again and restart? Yup, I think so. It's a lovely yarn to knit, it suits the pattern perfectly and what a relief to get one more WIP off my Ravelry project pages!
Of course it's not quite March yet, so what to work on now? Another glance at the WIPs on my Ravelry project pages led me to pick up my Crest socks again. These were set aside in June 2016 - presumably because all those crossed stitches made for very poor travel knitting and I was running around like a crazy person while in the process of buying a cottage. The charts are intimidating - although the knitting of them is easier than the contemplation of them - so picking them back up was also a bit daunting. But within minute of restarting I was back in the swing of it. Sock one is done, and I'm two-thirds of the way through the chart for sock two. My plan now is to finish these entirely before I turn my attention to the SolidSocks KAL. I don't want to get stalled on these again!
And then it's definitely time for another Vanilla-ish sock again after all of that. Something fun and mindless I think! I'm entirely open to pattern suggestions, particularly if it'd work with variegated yarn. Ideas?